google website migration

The End of Google’s Business Profile Websites: What’s Your Next Move?

|10 January 2024|

Are you a business owner who has been using Google’s Business Profile website builder to create and showcase your online presence? Well, I have some news for you. Starting from March 1, 2024, Google will no longer support these websites, and that means your hard work and efforts will vanish into thin air.

However, don’t panic just yet, because Google has a transition plan in place. From March 1, customers visiting your website will be redirected to your Google Business Profile, providing an opportunity to still showcase your business information.

But what’s the next step after that? If you don’t have another website, fear not! There are other website builders out there like Shopify and WordPress that can help you create a new online presence. In fact, Hour51 can lend a helping hand.

With any 3-month marketing services contract, Hour51 will rebuild and host your website for free. So, even though Google is bidding farewell to their Business Profile websites, there are still plenty of options for you to keep your online presence alive.

Google Business Profile Websites: The Big Change

Understanding the Shift

Google’s Business Profile websites were a popular choice for small businesses looking to establish an online presence quickly and at no cost. However, the tech giant has announced that it will discontinue this service from March 1, 2024. This drastic shift is part of Google’s strategy to focus more on its Business Profiles, which provide a platform for businesses to display their information directly on Google Search and Maps.

While this move might seem alarming at first, it’s important to understand that it’s not the end of the road for your online presence. Google’s transition plan ensures that visitors to your Google website will not encounter a dead end. Instead, they’ll be redirected to your Business Profile on Google, where they can still find key information about your business.

Remember, the digital landscape is ever-evolving. Just as the Google website builder once emerged as a new tool for businesses, other opportunities will arise. This shift could be the nudge you need to explore more comprehensive and tailored options for your online presence.

The Impact on Your Business

When Google pulls the plug on its Business Profile websites, your domain will no longer be active. This could potentially disrupt your online operations, especially if your Google website is your main digital storefront. Customers attempting to visit your website will be redirected to your Google Business Profile, but the full site experience you’ve carefully crafted will no longer be available.

Moreover, if you’ve invested time and resources into SEO for your Google website, this change might seem particularly frustrating. Your website’s SEO rankings and the digital footprint you’ve built over time could be adversely affected.

However, it’s not all doom and gloom. This change doesn’t mean you’re losing your entire online presence. Your Google Business Profile will continue to serve as a touchpoint for customers on Google Search and Maps. What’s more, this situation presents an opportunity to reassess your digital strategy. It might be time to consider other website builders with more advanced features and greater flexibility to make your digital presence even stronger.

Transition Plan: From Google Website to Business Profile

Redirection: What It Means for Your Business

Starting from March 1, 2024, Google’s transition plan will kick into action. Anyone who tries to visit your Google website will be automatically redirected to your Google Business Profile. This redirection essentially means that your online visibility won’t immediately disappear in the wake of this change.

Your Google Business Profile is a mini-website of sorts, offering viewers crucial information about your business, such as contact details, operating hours, and customer reviews. For users, the experience will be seamless. They’ll search for your business, click on what used to be your website link, and instead land on your Business Profile.

There are, however, a few considerations you should keep in mind. This redirection only applies to visitors coming via Google Search or Maps. If your website link is elsewhere, like in your social media bios or on a business card, those links will cease to function. Also, while your Business Profile contains key details, it won’t provide the full website experience your Google Website did. This is why it’s important to explore other website alternatives alongside maintaining your Business Profile.

The Timeline: Key Dates to Remember when Migrating your Google Website

Mark your calendars because there are some crucial dates that you need to keep in mind regarding this transition.

The first key date is March 1, 2024. This is when Google will start redirecting traffic from your website to your Google Business Profile. After this date, your Google website will no longer be accessible to the public.

However, you’ll still have access to your website’s content in your Google My Business account until March 1, 2025. This one-year window gives you ample time to migrate your website content to another platform should you wish to do so.

After March 1, 2025, Google will permanently delete all content from its Business Profile websites. This is the final cut-off point. After this date, you won’t be able to retrieve any content from your Google website.

So, the clock is ticking. It’s time to consider your options, make a plan, and take action to ensure the continuity of your online presence post these important dates.

Mapping Your Next Business Website Move

Updating Your Business Profile: A Quick Guide

As your Google Business Profile will become the immediate touchpoint for customers post-March 1, 2024, it’s crucial to ensure it’s up-to-date and provides all the necessary information about your business.

Follow these simple steps to update your Business Profile:

  1. Sign in to your Google My Business account.

  2. Choose the profile you want to manage.

  3. Click on ‘Info’ and then ‘Edit’.

  4. Update your business information, such as your address, contact details, operating hours, and more.

  5. Click ‘Apply’ to save your changes.

Remember to double-check all your details for accuracy. Also, consider adding high-quality photos or a virtual tour to make your profile more engaging.

Additionally, encourage satisfied customers to leave reviews on your profile. Positive reviews can significantly boost your business’s credibility and attract more customers.

While your Google Business Profile won’t replace the full functionality of a website, it serves as an important bridge during this transition period. Making the most of it is a smart move while you explore other website alternatives.

Website Alternatives: Exploring Other Options

With the discontinuation of Google’s Business Profile websites, you might be wondering what other options you have for maintaining an online presence. Fortunately, there are many website builders available that offer a range of features to suit different business needs.

For instance, WordPress is a popular choice for its flexibility and extensive customization options. You can choose from thousands of themes and plugins to create a website that truly reflects your brand. Plus, it’s SEO-friendly, which is crucial for visibility in search results.

Another great alternative is Shopify, especially if you run an e-commerce business. Shopify offers a whole suite of sales features, including inventory management, payment gateway integration, and a secure shopping cart.

Wix and Squarespace are also solid choices, offering user-friendly interfaces and a wide selection of design templates. At Hour51, we don’t recommend these kinds of website builders. If you’re interested in why, reach out.

Each of these platforms has its own strengths and pricing models. It’s worth spending some time to research and choose the one that fits your business requirements and budget. Remember, the goal is to create a website that not only looks good but also enhances your customers’ online experience with your brand.

How Hour51 Can Help

Hassle-Free Transition: Free Website Special Offer

We understand that the thought of transitioning to a new website might seem daunting. That’s where we, at Hour51, step in to simplify this process for you.

As part of our commitment to support businesses during this transition, we’re offering a special deal. With any 3-month marketing services contract, we’ll rebuild and host your website for free. Yes, you read that right. We’ll take care of the heavy lifting so you can focus on what you do best – running your business.

We have a team of experienced web developers and designers who will work closely with you to create a bespoke website that encapsulates your brand identity and meets your specific business needs.

And it’s not just about building a new website. We’ll also ensure that your new site is SEO-optimized and mobile-friendly. Plus, we provide ongoing support and updates to ensure your site remains current and effective.

We’re here to make this transition as smooth and effortless as possible for you. Reach out to us today to learn more about this exclusive offer.

Rebranding and Refreshing with Hour51

Beyond building and hosting your new website, Hour51 can assist with rebranding and refreshing your digital presence. Our team of creative strategists and designers are adept at translating your brand’s unique story into a compelling online presence.

Whether you’re looking to completely overhaul your brand image or subtly update it to keep up with industry trends, we’ve got you covered. Together, we will create a striking visual identity that resonates with your audience and sets you apart in the crowded digital marketplace.

Moreover, we understand the importance of creating a cohesive brand experience across all touchpoints. Therefore, we can also help update your Google Business Profile and social media channels to align with your new branding.

Remember, rebranding is more than just a new logo or website design. It’s about redefining your business’s identity and reinforcing your position in the market. And with Hour51 by your side, you can be sure that this process will be thoughtfully executed to yield maximum results.

Get in touch with us today to start the exciting journey of rebranding and refreshing your business with Hour51.